Summary of “Improved Peyronie’s Disease Curvature Outcomes Using a Novel Collagenase Administration Protocol”

Summary of “Improved Peyronie’s Disease Curvature Outcomes Using a Novel Collagenase Administration Protocol” Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum (CCH) can be used on men with Peyronie’s Disease (PD) to improve penile curvature. Since the release of CCH in 2014 studies have consistently shown penile curvature improvements in men with PD in the 14-23˚ range (similar to findings […]
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Summary of “Predictors of Curvature Improvement in Men With Peyronie’s Disease Treated With Intralesional Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum”

The following is a summary of an article recently published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.  We provide these summaries in the hopes that they will help patients keep up to date on the latest research published on the topics of PD and male infertility.  This particular study’s goal was to define the factors that […]
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Does the use of drains in the scrotum at the time of vasectomy reversal improve outcomes?

A commonly asked question we get at the Male Fertility and Peyronie’s Clinic is whether the use of surgical drains in the scrotum during a vasectomy reversal will improve the outcome of the surgery. This article will review what drains are and whether they impact outcomes of vasectomy reversals. What is a Surgical Drain? A […]
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Summary of “Lifestyle causes of male infertility”

Summary of “Lifestyle causes of male infertility” Over the past few decades, there has arguably been a global decline in both sperm quality and quantity, although the true extent of changes remains an issue of ongoing debate among experts. The purpose of this article was to review available evidence regarding effects of men’s lifestyle factors […]
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What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

What is Peyronie’s disease? Peyronie’s disease (PD) is a connective tissue disorder affecting the tunica albuginea and is characterized by penile curvature resulting from fibrosis and plaque deposits.  PD can not only cause physical pain, but it can also cause psychological and psychosexual issues.  PD affects between 0.4 to 20+% of the male population (depending […]
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Summary of “Cost of Intralesional Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Therapy Versus Surgery for the Management of Peyronie’s Disease: A Claims-Based Analysis (2009-2019)”

Peyronie’s Disease (PD) is a fibrotic disorder of the tunica albuginea of the corpora cavernosa and is progressive in nature. Consequently, this disorder is linked to a decrease in sexual performance and self-confidence. Currently, treatments include oral medication, surgical reconstruction, and injectable therapy. The purpose of this study was to compare the costs of treatment […]
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Does COVID-19 Have an Impact on Male Fertility?

What is COVID-19? Coronavirus (COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2) is a highly contagious virus affecting the respiratory system and can be quite deadly.  Since its origin, it has infected hundreds of millions of people around the world.  While the primary mode of transmission is through respiratory droplets, COVID-19 has been found in feces, urine, and semen.  With […]
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Summary of “The use of a polyglycolic acid polymer graft in Peyronie’s disease – preliminary outcomes”

Peyronie’s Disease (PD) is a connective tissue disorder of the penis affecting the tunica albuginea. This disorder can lead to penile deformity and local pain. No one knows what causes PD; however, it is thought that PD could be caused by repetitive microvascular trauma, causing inflammation, excessive collagen deposition, and fibrinogenesis on the tunica albuginea. […]
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Summary of “Vasectomy Reversal Semen Analysis: New Reference Ranges Predict Pregnancy”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This is one of the most helpful and impactful manuscripts currently available relating to vasectomy reversals in my opinion.  It is also one of the manuscripts that we refer to most often for patients post-operatively.  The main reason for this importance is because it helps to define numbers which are predictive of […]
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Summary of “Stretched Penile Length and its Associations with Testosterone and Infertility”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** The current manuscript compares penile length and infertility and suggests an association between the two.  This type of study has been performed on several prior occasions as well, although a much more commonly used measure is the anogenital distance (AGD – distance between the anus and the genitals themselves) rather […]
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Highlighted Story From One of Our Patients

We wanted to highlight a story we heard this week from the wife of one of our vasectomy reversal patients. This is being shared with their permission (they are so modest that we had to beg for them to let us share it with others).  We found it very inspiring and wished to share it […]
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The best approach to treat PD in its early stages

One important aspect of treating Peyronie's Disease is differentiating those in the early (or 'acute') phase of disease compared to those who in a more stable (or 'chronic') state.
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Measuring the success of a vasectomy reversal

We believe that sound science is behind what is truly a success for a medical procedure. We're sharing what those proven success factors are for vasectomy reversals.
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Summary of “Modern treatment strategies for penile prosthetics in Peyronie’s disease: a contemporary clinical review”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** The current manuscript is a review article (summarizes research publications performed by other teams) which discusses the role of penile prosthetics in men with Peyronie’s Disease.  Penile prosthetics have a clear role for the treatment of PD men who have erectile dysfunction which does not respond to PDE5 inhibitors (i.e. Viagra, Levitra, […]
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How the ReVas technique has led to greater success with vasectomy reversals

Dr. Landon Trost of the Male Fertility and Peyronie’s Clinic has developed a technique that has lead to the potential for greater success when it comes to achieving a pregnancy after vasectomy reversal. Learn more about ReVas.
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Summary of “What role do pharmaceuticals play in the treatment of Peyronie’s disease and is there a need for new emerging drugs?”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This is a great commentary which highlights the significant need that we have for better medications to treat Peyronie’s Disease.  For decades, dozens of medicines, herbals, topicals, and energy types of treatments have been used to try to treat Peyronie’s Disease.  And, with few exceptions, none of them have showed any true promise in […]
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A look at how vasectomy reversals are performed

Here's everything you need to know about vasectomy reversal.
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Know more about the recovery time for a vasectomy reversal

Planning ahead to rest and recover with adequate time and activity is key to recovering well from a vasectomy reversal. Here are some ideas of what to consider.
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Summary of “Intralesional Injection of Hyaluronic Acid in Patients Affected With Peyronie’s Disease: Preliminary Results From a Prospective, Multicenter, Pilot Study”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** The current study evaluates the use of intralesional hyaluronic acid to treat Peyronie’s Disease.  This is one of 4 different types of injections which are most commonly reported, with the others being collagenase (Xiaflex), interferon, and verapamil.  This specific injection is more commonly used in Europe, particularly now that collagenase is no […]
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Finding answers about the acute phases of Peyronie’s Disease

Different studies have given different results when it comes to how long acute Peyronie's Disease may last. We provide some clarity on this so you can stay informed about the need for potential treatment and its timing.
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***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This study was one that we conducted soon after RestoreX became available.  Our goal was to determine if the device resulted in any benefits or not in treating Peyronie’s Disease.  My experience with traction devices to that point had not been very good.  Specifically, we had previously performed a study where we evaluated whether […]
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Expecting to be expecting?

After a vasectomy reversal procedure it can take a couple of these cycles, or approximately six to nine months, before sperm count reaches the optimal level as far as fertility is concerned.
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Causes and diagnosis of Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s Disease can be a diagnosis that can be troubling for men to even accept or speak to their physician about but it is important to know the causes of this condition.
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Summary of “Peyronie’s Disease in Teenagers”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** The current study specifically investigates Peyronie’s Disease in teenagers and compares their condition to that of men >40 years old.  The diagnosis of PD is often confused with congenital penile curvature (CPC) in younger men.  CPC is typically a life-long curvature and is not typically associated with penile plaques.  It also […]
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Summary of “Penile Size Restoration With Nondegloving Approach for Peyronie’s Disease: Initial Experience”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** The current manuscript examines a modification to a technique that is performed at the time of penile prosthesis placement to achieve greater penile length.  Basically, several years back, a technique was developed known as the ‘sliding’ technique, where the penis was basically nearly amputated, stretched, and placed over a […]
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Is a vasectomy reversal safe?

Are vasectomy reversals safe and effective?
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Diving deeper into male infertility: The lifestyle factor

In some cases, lifestyle changes can help boost your chance of conception. Here's a look at what that means:
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Summary of “Pathophysiology and Future Therapeutic Perspectives for Resolving Fibrosis in Peyronie’s Disease”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** The current review article discusses some of the complexities of the process by which Peyronie’s Disease leads to penile fibrosis and scarring. The key take home point is that, to date, there are no good treatments which have been shown to prevent the progression of Peyronie’s Disease scarring. Although […]
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Summary of “Peyronie’s Disease and the Female Sexual Partner: A Comparison of the Male and Female Experience”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This summary is of an abstract that was presented at the SMSNA meeting ( but has not yet been published.  This abstract is excellent though, and it highlights some very important aspects of PD.  Specifically, many (? most) men with PD are concerned about how the condition may affect […]
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Summary of “Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** Shockwave therapy is a very hot topic in sexual medicine and is very commonly advertised for Peyronie’s Disease and erectile dysfunction.  However, as of August, 2020, shockwave therapy is not ready for primetime and should not be recommended or used in Peyronie’s Disease.  Although a full description of data behind that comment is […]
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Summary of “What about the partner? —factors associated with patient-perceived partner dyspareunia in men with Peyronie’s disease”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This was a study that we did of men who we treated for PD while at Mayo Clinic.  We basically asked all men to complete a questionnaire that included a question as to whether or not the condition caused their partner pain.  We then compared differences between men who answered yes or […]
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Summary of “Peyronie’s Disease Intervention Studies: An Exploration of Modern-Era Challenges in Study Design and Evaluating Treatment Outcomes”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This was a summary that Matt, Larry, Giorgio and I worked on to help other physicians better understand the Peyronie’s scientific literature. There are many challenges that come with trying to interpret Peyronie’s studies, and because of this, it is often important to critically evaluate any paper that is […]
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Summary of “Characteristics of Men With Peyronie’s Disease and Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Treatment Failure: Predictors of Surgical Intervention and Outcomes”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This manuscript represents a nice review of outcomes of patients who undergo surgery post Xiaflex treatment.  The key finding from the study is that surgery remains a viable option for men who do not experience a sufficient improvement with Xiaflex.  I think it’s important to recognize that the key finding from the study should […]
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Summary of “Contemporary Thoughts on the Role of Shockwave Therapy in Peyronie’s Disease”

–Trost Commentary and Key Take-Aways– Shock wave therapy has recently become in vogue as an alternative treatment option for PD.  However, patients need to recognize that there really are no consistent data demonstrating any benefits.  The American Urological Association and the Sexual Medicine Society of North America both have position statements that indicate that shock […]
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Summary of, “Beyond Curvature: Prevalence and Characteristics of Penile Volume-Loss Deformities in Men With Peyronie’s Disease”

–Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points– This current study highlights how common issues such as indentations, hourglass deformities, or other similar findings are among men with Peyronie’s Disease.  These types of deformities can be particularly bothersome for individuals as they may cause buckling, instability, or anxiety for men during penetrative intercourse (i.e. fear of instability […]
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Summary of, “Comparison of Intralesional Hyaluronic Acid vs. Verapamil for the Treatment of Acute Phase Peyronie’s Disease: A Prospective, Open-Label Non-Randomized Clinical Study.”

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take Home Points— This current study evaluates the use of two different injection treatments for men with early phase Peyronie’s Disease.  This study was performed by an experienced group of researchers in Italy.  This is important to recognize though, as the gold-standard injection treatment (Xiaflex) is more difficult to use […]
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Summary of Key Studies from the Sexual Medicine Society Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America concluded on 10/27/2019.  This is the largest and most respected sexual medicine society in North America and includes the greatest authorities on sexual medicine.  There were several abstract that were presented at the meeting that relate to Peyronie’s Disease, and our objective with this […]
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Summary of "Evaluation of Oral Pentoxifylline, Colchicine, and Penile Traction for the Management of Peyronie’s Disease"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take Home Points —  The current study evaluates the combination of traction therapy and oral treatments for Peyronie’s Disease (pentoxifylline and colchicine).  Dr. Carrier is a well-known Andrologist with significant experience in Peyronie’s Disease (and is a great person as well).  This particular study adds value to the concept of using combination therapies for managing Peyronie’s Disease.  There are a few key […]
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Summary of "Verteporfin as a Medical Treatment in Peyronie’s Disease"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points— This is a great proof of concept study and goes directly after one of the mechanisms that is thought to contribute to Peyronie’s Disease.  The challenge with a therapy such as this, though, is that often, men are not even aware of the condition until the fibrotic tissue has already […]
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Summary of "Shaeer’s Anti-Scarring Technique: A Preventive Measure Against Corporal Fibrosis Upon Explantation of Infected Penile Implants"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points—  Although relatively uncommon, penile implant infections represent a challenging and potentially devastating complication of penile prosthesis surgery.  Revision surgery after prior infections can increase the level of difficulty and risk of intra- and post-operative complications.  In the current study, the authors proposed a possible mechanism to reduce the […]
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Summary of "How Atypical Penile Curvature Influence Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Peyronie’s Disease Receiving Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Therapy?"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points—  The current manuscript evaluates the efficacy of Xiaflex in improving curvature in men with less common deformities, including those with downward curvatures, hourglass deformity, or decreased penile length.  Not surprisingly, results showed that the therapy is indeed able to improve curvature in these conditions as well.  In our own experience, we […]
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Summary of "Peyronie’s Disease is Common in Poorly Controlled Diabetics but is not Associated with Metabolic Syndrome"

—Dr. Trost’s Commentary and Key Take-home Points— The current study provides some additional valuable information on conditions associated with Peyronie’s Disease.  Specifically, the authors found that diabetes is clearly correlated with the condition, but other diagnoses, including hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, smoking, or metabolic syndrome are not clearly associated.  Although this information is not new, […]
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Summary of “The Effectiveness of 3-D Computed Tomography in the Evaluation of Penile Deformities in Patients with Peyronie’s Disease: A Pilot Study”

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points— The best method for objectively evaluating penile curvature and deformity is an office-based assessment following injection of a medication to result in an erection. Other methods of assessment, including patient self assessment, home photography, CT imaging, 3d photography, and app-based assessments all fail to achieve as consistent results […]
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