About Peyronie's

History and Diagnosis

  • First historical mention of Peyronie's
  • How Peyronie's got its name
  • Definition of Peyronie's
  • Causes of Peyronie's
  • Age when Peyronie's most commonly occurs
  • How common is Peyronie's
  • How to diagnose Peyronie's

Symptoms and Associated Conditions

  • Psychological impact of Peyronie's
  • What are other conditions that occur with Peyronie's
  • How common are indentations or hourglass deformities with Peyronie's
  • How common is pain with Peyronie's
  • What is the average curve with Peyronie's
  • Typical symptoms of Peyronie's

How Peyronie's Changes Over Time

  • Acute versus chronic disease
  • What happens to pain in Peyronie's
  • How does Peyronie's change over time
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