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Vasectomy Reversal Procedure
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Describes the vasectomy reversal procedure, including the decision to proceed with a vasovasostomy (VV - "simple") or epididymovasostomy (EV - "complex") repair.
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Discusses the ReVas technique, developed by Dr. Landon Trost during his time at the Mayo Clinic, which has resulted in higher success and pregnancy rates in the first year following reversal.
Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
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Should I take prednisone or NSAIDs?
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Why are there two options available for a reversal?
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How are your prices so low?
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Should I do IVF or a reversal?
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Should I start Clomid post reversal?
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Should I cryopreserve sperm?
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How does our multiple provider model work? Can we all do vasectomy reversals?
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Could a reversal help testicular pain?
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How likely is it that my partner will get pregnant? What should my realistic expectations be regarding pregnancy?