Causes and diagnosis of Peyronie’s Disease

35988875 - portrait of a mature coupleA chronic condition that can result in loss of function or in deformity of the penis, Peyronie’s Disease is a diagnosis that can be troubling for men to even accept or speak to their physician about. The good news is that Peyronie’s Disease is treatable, and it’s important to know the facts about this condition to better understand how those treatments can help men who may have it.

First, the diagnosis itself: It is considered to be clinical, which means that there is not a specific test or study to definitively diagnose it, and there isn’t a single finding that leads to the diagnosis. This means there are several factors that may be used to diagnose it, including curvature, a bump, penile pain, deformity or shortening, or loss of length.

As far as the specific cause, that is also something that is not well known and may vary depending on the person. It may have occurred following penile trauma, which is often unrecognized. There may also be a more recognized trauma to the penis, genetic traits that have been inherited, erectile dysfunction due to age, or as a result of other medical conditions such as diabetes or a procedure such as a prostatectomy.

Men who are age 45 to 59 are most likely to experience Peyronie’s Disease, which may suggest that men who are younger who experience curvature or other symptoms may find that those are due to other factors.

While these factors may suggest a diagnosis of Peyronie’s Disease, it is often up to each person to speak with their doctor in order for a diagnosis to take place. Most often, it is pain or a new penile curvature, deformity or bump that leads to the diagnosis. There are other common symptoms as well, including changes in penile sensation, decreased length, or permanent or temporary erectile dysfunction.

To learn more about Peyronie’s Disease, visit our website’s thorough section on the condition.

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