
Summary of “The use of a polyglycolic acid polymer graft in Peyronie’s disease – preliminary outcomes”

Peyronie’s Disease (PD) is a connective tissue disorder of the penis affecting the tunica albuginea. This disorder can lead to penile deformity and local pain. No one knows what causes PD; however, it is thought that PD could be caused by repetitive microvascular trauma, causing inflammation, excessive collagen deposition, and fibrinogenesis on the tunica albuginea. […]

Summary of “The use of a polyglycolic acid polymer graft in Peyronie’s disease – preliminary outcomes” Read More »

Summary of, “Beyond Curvature: Prevalence and Characteristics of Penile Volume-Loss Deformities in Men With Peyronie’s Disease”

–Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points– This current study highlights how common issues such as indentations, hourglass deformities, or other similar findings are among men with Peyronie’s Disease.  These types of deformities can be particularly bothersome for individuals as they may cause buckling, instability, or anxiety for men during penetrative intercourse (i.e. fear of instability

Summary of, “Beyond Curvature: Prevalence and Characteristics of Penile Volume-Loss Deformities in Men With Peyronie’s Disease” Read More »

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