Peyronie's Disease

Summary of “Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** Shockwave therapy is a very hot topic in sexual medicine and is very commonly advertised for Peyronie’s Disease and erectile dysfunction.  However, as of August, 2020, shockwave therapy is not ready for primetime and should not be recommended or used in Peyronie’s Disease.  Although a full description of data behind that comment is […]

Summary of “Shockwave Therapy in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease” Read More »

Summary of “What about the partner? —factors associated with patient-perceived partner dyspareunia in men with Peyronie’s disease”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This was a study that we did of men who we treated for PD while at Mayo Clinic.  We basically asked all men to complete a questionnaire that included a question as to whether or not the condition caused their partner pain.  We then compared differences between men who answered yes or

Summary of “What about the partner? —factors associated with patient-perceived partner dyspareunia in men with Peyronie’s disease” Read More »

Summary of “Peyronie’s Disease Intervention Studies: An Exploration of Modern-Era Challenges in Study Design and Evaluating Treatment Outcomes”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This was a summary that Matt, Larry, Giorgio and I worked on to help other physicians better understand the Peyronie’s scientific literature. There are many challenges that come with trying to interpret Peyronie’s studies, and because of this, it is often important to critically evaluate any paper that is

Summary of “Peyronie’s Disease Intervention Studies: An Exploration of Modern-Era Challenges in Study Design and Evaluating Treatment Outcomes” Read More »

Summary of “Characteristics of Men With Peyronie’s Disease and Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Treatment Failure: Predictors of Surgical Intervention and Outcomes”

***Trost Commentary and Key Take-Home Points*** This manuscript represents a nice review of outcomes of patients who undergo surgery post Xiaflex treatment.  The key finding from the study is that surgery remains a viable option for men who do not experience a sufficient improvement with Xiaflex.  I think it’s important to recognize that the key finding from the study should

Summary of “Characteristics of Men With Peyronie’s Disease and Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Treatment Failure: Predictors of Surgical Intervention and Outcomes” Read More »

Summary of Key Studies from the Sexual Medicine Society Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America concluded on 10/27/2019.  This is the largest and most respected sexual medicine society in North America and includes the greatest authorities on sexual medicine.  There were several abstract that were presented at the meeting that relate to Peyronie’s Disease, and our objective with this

Summary of Key Studies from the Sexual Medicine Society Annual Meeting Read More »

Summary of "Evaluation of Oral Pentoxifylline, Colchicine, and Penile Traction for the Management of Peyronie’s Disease"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take Home Points —  The current study evaluates the combination of traction therapy and oral treatments for Peyronie’s Disease (pentoxifylline and colchicine).  Dr. Carrier is a well-known Andrologist with significant experience in Peyronie’s Disease (and is a great person as well).  This particular study adds value to the concept of using combination therapies for managing Peyronie’s Disease.  There are a few key

Summary of "Evaluation of Oral Pentoxifylline, Colchicine, and Penile Traction for the Management of Peyronie’s Disease" Read More »

Summary of "Verteporfin as a Medical Treatment in Peyronie’s Disease"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points— This is a great proof of concept study and goes directly after one of the mechanisms that is thought to contribute to Peyronie’s Disease.  The challenge with a therapy such as this, though, is that often, men are not even aware of the condition until the fibrotic tissue has already

Summary of "Verteporfin as a Medical Treatment in Peyronie’s Disease" Read More »

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