Peyronie’s Disease

Summary of, “Comparison of Intralesional Hyaluronic Acid vs. Verapamil for the Treatment of Acute Phase Peyronie’s Disease: A Prospective, Open-Label Non-Randomized Clinical Study.”

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take Home Points— This current study evaluates the use of two different injection treatments for men with early phase Peyronie’s Disease.  This study was performed by an experienced group of researchers in Italy.  This is important to recognize though, as the gold-standard injection treatment (Xiaflex) is more difficult to use […]

Summary of, “Comparison of Intralesional Hyaluronic Acid vs. Verapamil for the Treatment of Acute Phase Peyronie’s Disease: A Prospective, Open-Label Non-Randomized Clinical Study.” Read More »

Summary of Key Studies from the Sexual Medicine Society Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the Sexual Medicine Society of North America concluded on 10/27/2019.  This is the largest and most respected sexual medicine society in North America and includes the greatest authorities on sexual medicine.  There were several abstract that were presented at the meeting that relate to Peyronie’s Disease, and our objective with this

Summary of Key Studies from the Sexual Medicine Society Annual Meeting Read More »

Summary of "Evaluation of Oral Pentoxifylline, Colchicine, and Penile Traction for the Management of Peyronie’s Disease"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take Home Points —  The current study evaluates the combination of traction therapy and oral treatments for Peyronie’s Disease (pentoxifylline and colchicine).  Dr. Carrier is a well-known Andrologist with significant experience in Peyronie’s Disease (and is a great person as well).  This particular study adds value to the concept of using combination therapies for managing Peyronie’s Disease.  There are a few key

Summary of "Evaluation of Oral Pentoxifylline, Colchicine, and Penile Traction for the Management of Peyronie’s Disease" Read More »

Summary of "Verteporfin as a Medical Treatment in Peyronie’s Disease"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points— This is a great proof of concept study and goes directly after one of the mechanisms that is thought to contribute to Peyronie’s Disease.  The challenge with a therapy such as this, though, is that often, men are not even aware of the condition until the fibrotic tissue has already

Summary of "Verteporfin as a Medical Treatment in Peyronie’s Disease" Read More »

Summary of "Shaeer’s Anti-Scarring Technique: A Preventive Measure Against Corporal Fibrosis Upon Explantation of Infected Penile Implants"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points—  Although relatively uncommon, penile implant infections represent a challenging and potentially devastating complication of penile prosthesis surgery.  Revision surgery after prior infections can increase the level of difficulty and risk of intra- and post-operative complications.  In the current study, the authors proposed a possible mechanism to reduce the

Summary of "Shaeer’s Anti-Scarring Technique: A Preventive Measure Against Corporal Fibrosis Upon Explantation of Infected Penile Implants" Read More »

Summary of "How Atypical Penile Curvature Influence Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Peyronie’s Disease Receiving Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Therapy?"

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points—  The current manuscript evaluates the efficacy of Xiaflex in improving curvature in men with less common deformities, including those with downward curvatures, hourglass deformity, or decreased penile length.  Not surprisingly, results showed that the therapy is indeed able to improve curvature in these conditions as well.  In our own experience, we

Summary of "How Atypical Penile Curvature Influence Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Peyronie’s Disease Receiving Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Therapy?" Read More »

Summary of "Peyronie’s Disease is Common in Poorly Controlled Diabetics but is not Associated with Metabolic Syndrome"

—Dr. Trost’s Commentary and Key Take-home Points— The current study provides some additional valuable information on conditions associated with Peyronie’s Disease.  Specifically, the authors found that diabetes is clearly correlated with the condition, but other diagnoses, including hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, smoking, or metabolic syndrome are not clearly associated.  Although this information is not new,

Summary of "Peyronie’s Disease is Common in Poorly Controlled Diabetics but is not Associated with Metabolic Syndrome" Read More »

Summary of “The Effectiveness of 3-D Computed Tomography in the Evaluation of Penile Deformities in Patients with Peyronie’s Disease: A Pilot Study”

—Dr. Trost Commentary and Key Take-home Points— The best method for objectively evaluating penile curvature and deformity is an office-based assessment following injection of a medication to result in an erection. Other methods of assessment, including patient self assessment, home photography, CT imaging, 3d photography, and app-based assessments all fail to achieve as consistent results

Summary of “The Effectiveness of 3-D Computed Tomography in the Evaluation of Penile Deformities in Patients with Peyronie’s Disease: A Pilot Study” Read More »

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