Post-op Wound Care
Post-Op Photos
To view post operative photos please click the button below. Please note that these photos are graphic in nature. Photos sent by patients who are wondering whether certain findings are normal (permission given to use). Although the majority of men will experience routine healing without significant bruising, we figured that these would be beneficial for others to recognize variations of normal healing.
Q & A
The dressing can be taken off after 24-48 hours. If you take the dressing off in the shower, it will easier to remove.
No, it is best to keep the area clean and dry. Some ointments may kill good bacteria and lead to an overgrowth of yeast. This can then lead to other wound issues.
Pain, bruising, and swelling are all normal following surgery. Typically, these will worsen over the first three days. From day 3-10, these symptoms typically stabilize, and then around day 7-10, they should begin to improve. If the swelling is severe or is worse on one side, it may signify a hematoma. These are not dangerous, but they will take several weeks or even months to go away. If swelling continues for 6 months after surgery (uncommon), it may be a hydrocele and is less likely to go away on its own.
If pain and swelling get worse around day 5-7 after surgery, or if you experience any fevers, you are recommended to contact our office, as this may signify an infection.
Unfortunately, in most cases, there isn't a good way to know other than post-operative sperm tests. If the tests show no sperm after they originally showed sperm, it can signify that the area either pulled apart or scarred down (stenosis). The only way to know for sure is by examining the area surgically. In some cases, you may specifically feel like something tight 'released.' This may signify that some of the stitches have pulled and that the area pulled apart.
If you are worried about an infection, you are always invited to call our office, email us, or text Dr. Trost directly. The most common time for a patient to experience an infection is around 5-7 days after surgery. The first symptom is usually worsening pain. If left untreated, the pain will usually worsen, swelling may increase, and you may eventually begin to experience fevers. It is much better to treat an infection earlier than later. Other signs of infection may include worsening redness, persistent and smelly drainage, and skin warmth near the wound.
On occasion, an infection may cause a large amount of drainage from the wound. If this happens, you will need to be started on antibiotics and should let the wound continue to drain. It typically will take several weeks before the drainage will stop, and the wound will close on its own.
Bruising is very normal and may extend to the penis, scrotum, thigh, and abdominal wall. This is not concerning and does not require anything but time to heal. On occasion, you may also experience a large amount of swelling along with the bruising. This can mean that you have a hematoma. Hematomas are not dangerous and will resolve on their own after several weeks (occasionally months).
However, if you experience any worsening pain around day 5-7, or if you have worsening swelling, fevers, or other signs of an infection, you are recommended to contact your provider for further recommendations.
Pain is common after surgery and may need to be controlled with medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Aleve, Naproxen, or similar). Pain should generally get better over time, particularly beginning around 7-10 days after surgery. If you have new onset of worsening pain around 5-7 days after surgery, this is not normal and may indicate an infection. In that case, you should contact your provider for more instruction.
As you become more active (ideally after 8 weeks), you may experience an increase in pain. This may mean that you need to ease into activity a little more slowly, since pain indicates that the area of repair is pulling.
In some cases, pain may continue off and on for several months or even years. This would be considered chronic pain. It occurs more often in men who have scrotal pain prior to surgery or who have chronic lower back pain.
In most cases, no, you do not need to be concerned. Small openings of the incision can occur as a part of the normal healing process. Sometimes, the body will push out some of the skin stitches, and this may lead to the wound opening slightly. This typically occurs about 2-3 weeks after surgery and usually leads to the side portion of the wound opening. If this happens, you can put some gauze over the wound to keep it dry. But you typically will not require antibiotics. The wound will close on its own over a few weeks, and you do not require any new stitches. If you are concerned about an infection, contact your provider for further information.
No. Call us. Fevers are not normal after surgery. If you have a fever which occurs more than 1 month out from surgery, it is not likely that the fever is related to the surgery itself. However, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.