Anesthesia at Our Clinic

About Anesthesia at Our Clinic

You will be completely unconscious during the procedure and monitored by a board-certified and trained anesthesia provider. The anesthesia involves an IV medication called propofol. There is no intubation with an endotracheal breathing tube inserted; rather, you will be breathing on your own with supplemental oxygen via nasal cannula or a simple mask.

Your surgeon will use a local anesthetic in combination with your IV anesthesia medication. This combination allows us to reduce the amount of anesthesia required to achieve unconsciousness, leading to a lower anesthesia level and quicker wake-up times. We use a narcotic-less technique for your anesthesia. Post-op pain control is provided with an intramuscular injection of Toradol, administered prior to ending anesthesia and given in the last 15 to 30 minutes of the surgery.

Jake Hunsaker is a board-certified and trained Nurse Anesthetist. He will contact you 24 hours prior to your appointment time to address any questions or concerns you may have and ensure that you have received the proper anesthesia instructions.

One of the biggest benefits is the ability to avoid intubation (endotracheal breathing tube). Since we use a combination of local anesthetic and propofol, a deeper anesthesia state is not required. This also results in patients waking up more quickly once the procedure is over, and the propofol is stopped. Since narcotics are not typically needed, this almost eliminates post-op nausea and vomiting related to the anesthesia.

Email or call us, and we will connect you with our anesthesia provider for more information.

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